Wednesday 13 October 2010

Planning and Notes for Soap Trailer

Soap Trailer Planning and notes.
• Visit your interesting locations (think of the background-Mise en scene) and take images, think about camera placement and movement.
• Continuity, think about weather conditions from one day to the next, film at the same time.
• Coverage, 2 cameras and move angles and more options in the editing stage. Have more than one take to rely on.
• Rehearsals with actors, be prepared with a script.
• Could have make up and costumes
• Have to get permission if filming in public places for example stockport town centre and train stations.
• Think about sound.
A trailer has to be one minute-ish.
Locations- Alex Park (reservoir), Hollywood Park- overview of the centre of Stockport, Stockport shopping centre, Mersey walk side (under bridge), train station, college classrooms.
Different Scenes that we could use...
• Running Scene- Chasing
• Fighting Scene- Two guys over a girl
• Bedroom Scene-breaking up (throwing clothes from a suitcase over the guy) and (couple waking up)
• Couple Breaking Up- self explanatory
• Couple Getting Together
• Party Scene- drinking too much
• Goodbye Scene- someone getting on a train and the other person all upset (never going to see them again)
• Girls getting ready for a party.
• Classroom Scene/Canteen Scene
• Shopping in Stockport

Have writing in the cuts between scenes saying questions for the audience.
• Group of people are in trouble, they have done something very bad and have been mixed with some dangerous people. At the end a girl leaves the town on a train to start fresh and breaks up with her boyfriend??
• Begins with a guy and a girl on a bench at the train station ‘We’re in trouble’...
• Someone running away from 3 or 4 people from under a bridge. From the dark into the light- they keep looking back to see how far back they are. WEATHER: raining- give a better effect when running.
• ...
• ...
• Another guy gets woke up by girlfriend throwing his clothes at him, saying ‘what have you done?!’ She runs out and the guy follows, shouts her name but she doesn’t look back...
• The same couple from the beginning end with the girl saying ‘I’m leaving you’ and ends with her getting a train ??? WEATHER: needs to be evening time or at dusk with the sun setting.

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