Monday 8 November 2010

These are different TV Soap Magazines that have inspired me to produce similar magazine front covers, they have helped me to design mine with the same codes and conventions such as the main colours used in magazines: reds, yellows and blacks- these sort of colours indicate danger, alertness and shock therefore making them stand out for audience to pick them off the shelf; Canting is also a feature in many soap magazines which shows audiences warning of what is going to happen therefore creating a mystery which suggests people will buy that magazine.

Monday 1 November 2010

Billboard Task- 'Cheats' Design


This is one of my preliminary tasks that I had produced before starting my Soap Trailer.

As this was a plan/draft I downloaded an image of some poker chips with a grey case in the background, however I thought I would add dice to the picture showing 'weekdays on FIVE', therefore I had to edit the poker chips image and cut some out.
I think the billboard relates to more of an older age group of people as the poker theme is associated to gambling.
I used the program 'Paint' to blend in the colours of shading so that the end product would look more professional. 
The only technical problem that I had was making the dice in proportion with the chips. 
If I had done any other improvements I would have amended the dice and text to make it look more enhanced.

Friday 22 October 2010

Scripting and Storyline of our Soap Trailer

Story line:  
Stockport Train Station or the Heaton Norris Park.
·         Begins with Boy 1 and Girl 1 on bench...either at the train station or at the park.
Establishing shot, then to a long shot, to a full shot, to close up of the Boy 1 and Girl 1.  Also as a two shot both on the bench.

Boy 1: “We’re in trouble”

·         Extreme close up and close ups of their faces of eyes shift and worried faces.  Heads in hands.

·         Starts fast pace music.

Mersey Way Bridge and Path.
·         Low angle floor shot, see Boy 2 run pass, with a puddle splash, quickly followed by 3 or 4 other guys chasing him. 

Attack Boy 1: “Oi!”
Attack boy 2: “Get here!”

·         Switch to handheld point of view shot of Boy 2, him and the camera fall to the ground as he stumbles. Another angle to a side view of Boy 2 as the audience see the gang catch up and grab his hood and pull him back to the group.

Boy 2: “get off me!”

·         Then the camera switches back to point of view, where Attack Boy 1 aggressively talks to him while the other two hold him back.

Attack Boy 1: “you sneaky shit!” 

·         Switches to over the shoulder shot of attack boy 1 looking at Boy 2.

Boy 2: “it wasn’t my fault” 

(...Can Switch To Another Montage...)

·         Switch back to point of view.

Attack Boy 1: “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone, it had to stay hidden and you’ve ruined everything for me now!”
Boy 2: “I didn’t have a choice! It was getting seriously out of hand, I had to tell someone. I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer!”   
Attack Boy 1: “You’re just a pathetic ???!”
Punch the camera

Stockport Train Station/ Heaton Norris Park
·         Two shot of Boy 1 and Girl 2 on the bench and over the shoulder- Reverse angle edit.

Girl 1: “How did it come to this? You said we didn’t have a problem”
Boy 1: “It’s wasn’t just me that slipped up. We all decided to do this!”
Girl 1: “But it was always about you! We did this ALL to help YOU!”
Jump cuts Starts. Full on Music
Walking down the road:
·         Track of three boys walking down the street towards the hand held camera. Switches from a two shot of Boy 2 and Boy 3, to a close up of Boy 4.
Boy2: ‘That was a rubbish lesson, almost fell asleep’
Boy 3: ‘Yeah but at least we’ve got football tonight man! You’re going down right?’
Boy 4: ‘Why are you with that skank all the time? We are your real mates’
Boy 3: ‘Are you gonna come back to the boys and do what you are actually meant to be doing instead of bedding your girlfriend all the frickin’ time?!’ 

In the bathroom, girl sat with back to the bath:
·         Small pan of the bathroom to a side view of Girl 3. Lots of close ups of her sad, worried face and extreme close up of her eyes and hands. Girl 3 starring at a pregnancy test.

Girl 3: ‘Please don’t be positive’

·         Cut to an outdoor location: over the shoulder shot or two shot

Girl 3: ‘Girl 4...I’m pregnant’ as she admits the news to her friend.
Girl 4 hugs her from a two shot.
·         Close up including her shoulders Girl 2- quick zoom/ walking towards the camera, then circles around her to over the shoulder of her seeing Boy 2 and Girl 3 kissing. She has a close up shocked face. With music over voice.
·         Over the shoulder of Boy/ Girl with Girl 4 running towards the camera, as Boy 4holds them back.

Boy/Girl shouts: ‘Noo!’

Train Station/Heaton Norris Park:

·         Two shot of Boy 1 and Girl 1 on the bench. Then to na over the shoulder, reverse angle edit
·         (in heated argument)

Girl 1: ‘I can’t believe you did this!’ You’ve ruined everything for us!’
Boy 1: ‘Stop it! Just stop it! (ANGRY FACE)

Alex Park hill:

Girl 2 and Girl 3 Over the shoulder and two shot.
Girl 2: “Ahh You Bitch!”
Girl 3: “What?” 
Girl 2: pushes/rugby tackles Girl 3
·         Long shot of them rolling down the hill towards the reservoir

·         Fade in black/Point of view of clothes falling on camera, switches to a side view of Girl 3 throwing clothes on Boy 3.
·         Guy wakes up with his girlfriend throwing a suitcase full of clothes on to him Medium close ups.  

Girl 3: ‘What have you done!?’/ ‘We’re finished’

Leaving the House/outdoors:

·         (Filming girl on the phone, then teacher on phone to use dialogue to make overvoice.)
·         Girl 2 walks out the front door and tracks her walking on a road towards the camera, phone rings, gets her phone out of her pocket, extreme close up/ close up (intertextual shot) of phone saying ‘college calling’ then the phone tracks to her holding the phone to her ear.

Voice of Teacher 1: ‘Girl 2, we have decided that we have to suspend you for a week on the accusations of you being involved in vandalism around the school grounds.’

At home/Indoors:

·         Girl 5 runs into a room and closes the door, holds on to the door handle trying to keep the door shut. Medium close up from diagonal angle, showing her and the door.

Brick Wall:
·         Girl 3 (pregnant girl) crying and then Boy 3 grabs her by the coat as an over the shoulder shot and shoves her against the wall. Over the shoulder or two shot and handheld.

Boy 3: ‘Pull yourself together!’
Train Station/Heaton Norris Park:
·         Two shot of Boy 1 and Girl 1 on the bench. Then to an over the shoulder, reverse angle edit
·         (sad ending) CLOSE UPS OF FACES
·         Girl gets up and picks her bag up
Girl 1: ‘I can’t do this anymore’ (weak attitude)

·         Switches to camera from across the tracks, train pulls up, stops (quickly stops, speeds up), train pulls away, just him on the bench.

Ending. Brink Wall:

·         Long shot of whole group of the characters/cast leaning against a wall. Switching to a title card which shows time and channels.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Codes and conventions of a TV Soap Magazine

I am researching the different codes and conventions from a normal soal magazine. I breifly wrote up what I found...
·         Masthead – florescent, strong colouring, takes up a fifth of the front cover.
·         Cover star – mixed gender (male and female), demographic age of 2o years.
·         Canting – yellow and red creates code suggesting mc-donalds therefore implying appetite.
·         Mise En Scene- often a single colour.
·         Buttons – Days of the week, Listings.
·         Subsidiary Photos.
·         Price- on a shaped background, for example a star, this makes it look like a special offer price, this draws attention for the audiences.
·         Mode of Address- the ‘…’ creates suspense of wanting to read on.
·         Colour coding- a subheading with the word ‘police’ with the colours black and yellow suggesting the crime scene banner.
·         Concentrated
·         Emotions on their face- stony expressions, therefore audiences can tell it’s a soap magazine.
·         Back to Back – shows relationships.
·         Casual props and clothing. All looks like they have chosen their own clothes.
·         Hair and makeup suit the storyline.
·         Eye contact.
·         Older reader ???
·         Ideal reader- people who watch the soaps.
·         We assume that they are agile with the technology of television, and that they rely on the print media instead. This is a culture thing. 
·         Mode of Address assumes what ‘Bradley and Joe’ means.

My TV Soap Magazine

This is my layout and design of a TV Soap Magazine. I was inspired by the different magazines such as TV Times, TV Soap and Soap Life Magazines. I added the conventions that were produced in the real magazine front coverS so that my design looked professional.
I used a camera to capture MCU and CU of people from my media class.
I used the program Publisher which has helped me to gain more knowledge towards my final Soap Trailer poster and I also used Photoshop to edit my photos which was to cut out the background features so a plain colour could be applied.
If I had to improve this front cover then I would make the magazine set to less colours, magazines use alot of reds, blues and whites therefore I would change some colours to make my front cover flow more.